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General Capabilities

  • Literacy - Students become literate as they develop the knowledge, skills and dispositions to interpret and use language confidently for learning and communicating (ACARA, 2016). Within this booklet, students are given many opportunities to interpret and navigate different texts and also communicate knowledge and skills in different ways. 

  • ICT - Students develop Information and Communication Technology (ICT) capability as they learn to use ICT effectively and appropriately to access, create and communicate information and ideas, solve problems and work collaboratively (ACARA, 2016). Students are given the opportunity to work with ICT individually and collaboratively throughout this unit, thus enhancing their overall capability with ICTs. 

  • Critical and Creative Thinking - Students develop capability in critical and creative thinking as they learn to generate and evaluate knowledge, clarify concepts and ideas, seek possibilities, consider alternatives and solve problems (ACARA, 2016). Within the investigation booklet, students are given multiple opportunities to think critically and creatively, by determining different uses for modern and traditional resources, discovering ways that modern resources are processed, and determining new ways that Australia can use our resources more sustainably.

  • Intercultural Understanding -  Students develop intercultural understanding as they learn to value their own cultures, languages and beliefs, and those of others (ACARA, 2016). Students are developing an intercultural understanding as they delve into the traditional ways Aboriginal peoples utilise resources, and connect to the land, compared to westernised views. Looking at these similarities and differences will also assist students to begin understanding their own connection to the environment.  

Cross-Curriculum Priorities

  • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Histories and Culture - The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Histories and Cultures priority provides opportunities for all students to deepen their knowledge of Australia by engaging with the world’s oldest continuous living cultures (ACARA, 2016). Students are given the opportunity to understand this culture a bit more when looking at the traditional ways this culture utilised natural resources.  

  • Sustainability - Through the priority of Sustainability, students develop the knowledge, skills, values and world views necessary to contribute to more sustainable patterns of living (ACARA, 2016). Through comparing traditional and modern ways of using natural resources, and determining ways that Australia could process resources more sustainably, gives students the opportunity to become citizens that understand the importance of maintaining sustainable practices. 

Design and Technologies Teacher's Page

The investigative booklet designed for this unit is intended to be a resource used that is accompanied by explicit teaching, group activities and general class lessons that will give students the opportunity and ability to gain the skills required to complete the activities within the booklet. 

Differentiation - The following list is made up of possible ideas to differentiate this resource to meet the requirements of your class of students.

  • All of the activities within the booklet could be broken up into high level students and students requiring assistance. The students that have the ability, could be given the opportunity to complete the activities individually or in small groups. Students requiring more assistance could be working with teachers or teachers aides.

  • If required, activities can be completed as a whole class, or similar activities can be completed prior to the booklet activity, thus giving students the information or skills they require to complete it individually.

  • All activities could be completed in groups if necessary. 

  • Students could have the option of completing booklet on a computer/I-Pad. This will depend on the students within your class and the ICT resources available.

  • Some students may require the teacher/teachers aide to be a scribe as they verbally answer the questions.  


  • WALTs and WILFs for each task to be completed

​Task One

Task Two

Task Three

Task Four

Task Five

  • List of foods for student selection

  • Space for the vegetable garden

  • Equipment for growing each food - soil, tools, water, watering can, etc.

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